Thursday, April 13, 2017


Gary, Indiana, USA--- Dr. Chuck Hughes, President of the Gary Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Head of Public Policy for the Gary Chamber, were honored on a global stage on April 13, 2017, in Gary Indiana, by the Founder and President of iChange Nations™, Dr. Clyde Rivers.

"It was my privilege to honor these two men for establishing the Community Civility Counts Initiative and the platform for the World Civility Day," announced Dr. Rivers, "Dr. Hughes and Dr. Bradshaw have created an initiative that is reeducating cultures on how to get along and be civil. This is a heroic effort to change the world through establishing policy in their state that was adopted unanimously."

These two men were honored in the company of last year's awardee, H.E. Vera Tembo Chiluba, the former First lady of Zambia. She won the award for serving the underprivileged communities and people of Zambia.

 "iChange Nations™ is very happy to welcome Dr. Hughes and Dr. Bradshaw to this great company,” says Dr. Rivers.

In addition to being the Founder and President of iChange Nations™, Dr. Clyde Rivers is also the World Civility Spokesperson, and the global expert on Golden Rule Dialogue.  Dr. Rivers travels the world promoting Golden Rule Dialogue and honoring people who live the Golden Rule everyday. The Golden Rule is simply, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Dr. Rivers believes every life is valuable and created for a contribution to our world and that without peace, that contribution can be lost. If that contribution is lost, our entire world loses.

iChange Nations™ is the World’s Largest Honoring Network, establishing Cultures of Honor around the world.  ICN has fostered a movement that is bringing back honor to the world.  They look to honor people at global, national, state and community levels, who have made positive contributions in helping mankind.  Golden Rule Dialogue and honoring others are working hand-in-hand to change the world.

iChange Nations™ is also a professional institution that builds international Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world.  This organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping countries educate, train and support a nation-building process that is designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships; while helping people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

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